
Darn it!

Slippers for stockings
So, I've been diligently working on a hat and gloves set for my Mother for Christmas, and it was even planned to go with her coat. Well, that is until Saturday it was going to go with her coat. You see, Saturday she decided that she needed to go out and get a new coat. Dad was with her and knew what I'm making for her, but there's only so much you can say to dissuade someone from something like that before you tip them off. What makes it more maddening for me is she showed me the coat last night and made a comment that maybe she needs a hat and gloves to go with it. I'm not turning back and starting over. Just gonna keep going.

The picture is actually one of the slippers I'm planning on making for stockings plus the start of the next one. I know, I know, I really need to get my butt into gear on these. They really are good mindless knitting. I generally work on them in the morning and at night when I'm playing stupid idle games to wind down for the night. Not really much else to say about these, except for the color is off. (Likely the fault of my camera and top lights.) The kinda tannish areas on the slippers should be either white or pale purples.

Just curious, how is everyone else getting ready for the holidays?

Bright Blessings!

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